Any good GH methods for a parametric Mobius band?

Trying to make a Mobius band like this old lost wedding band. I did a blank basic form so far, with a Sweep 1 Rail, Twist, Flow…then into SubD, realized it was backwards after fiddling with rotating Edge Loops to make it more like the picture laying flat to the finger and Mirrored it to the proper direction.

After staring at this for a while, wondering if GH might be the better ticket for the future, especially trying to replicate that texture pattern on the photo. Kinda looks like rods that graduate in size, with little glinting divots (those can be done afterwards with a diamond-cutting bit, but figured I should try to do it in Rhino/GH.). Anyone have any specific tips for doing something like this in GH? I aim to experiment of course as I’ve taken the GH courses… but being for a customer, figured I would ask for any helpful shortcuts :smiley:

Job 14514 Mobius band proto form.3dm (11.5 MB)

Here’s a fairly simple script I made from something I saw here back in Feb 2023. It will do multiple half twists even though I showed only 1 in this version.

If you want a surprise make a paper one with 3 half twists, and then cut it “in half” starting the cut 1/3 of the way from one edge. You’ll have to cut around the paper twice - or it might be 3 times - but the result is quite spectacular. (16.8 KB)

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Thank you very much! And I’ll give the paper project a try too to see what happens :smiley: