Antialiasing was better

I’m sure the AA was better in V8, but today I see a regression:

Look at the horizontal/vertical lines, they become thin or thicker depending on the view.

No one else sees this?
Even not @Gijs ?


I’m sure the AA of lines was better in older V8 WIPs.
Look what happens when I draw a rectangle.
In the dynamic stage I see pixel-perfect aligned lines.
When the rectangle is done, the lines become fuzzy.

Watch at 100%.

hi @Charles thanks for reporting, and I see what you are seeing too.

Things are still in flux regarding the way this is done in Rhino 8, due to massive changes that had to be made to make new curve features possible.
A while back we had better AA without pixel alignment of orthogonal lines, but apparently some bugs made it that currently pixel alignment needs to be reconsidered.

RH-76211 Reconsider adding back pixel alignment for orthogonal lines

Oh wow, in Rhino 8 BETA, 8.0.23254.00303 the good display is back!
Very good!

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