Another day another trim fail

thanks for your explanation.

ok - and doing stuff with multiple knots or Degree 1 will result in ugly trimming because pullback is used…

trim_extreme_pull.3dm (51.5 KB)

:roll_eyes: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
so maybe the trim-function should check for those situations regardless whether it is a single or polysurface ?

if this checking is applied, it will also be able to inform the user about why trim failed or the result might be unexpected: something like this: trim resulted in gaps / steps along seams / creases / etc… see dots…

I like the Idea of having an option for
curve on Surface only / within tolerance
for the trim command, or an trimAdvanced version.

also _pull command does not handle this special case.

so maybe a nice option in the pull command would be to allow polysurfaces and report destroyed Continuity - “resulting curve has 1 unexpected gab ?”

kind regards -tom