Hey !
I’m new to this forum but I’m getting very familiar with animations in Grasshopper.
Here is a simple definition for a very simple multi clip animation (move then rotate) dictated by only one slider (to animate).
There is a more presice way to actually work with duration of each clips in seconds (I will make a tutorial about that when I got some free time), but this is a good way of approaching multi clip animations in Grasshopper.
Notice that I use a (great) plugin from Daniel González Abalde (Riched Graph Mapper).
This very computer cannot save the graphs into the definition so you might need to rebuild the definition by yourself after installing the plugin (this computer is sheeeet)
If you’re interested to see what can be done in animation with Grasshopper, you can check my instagram account.
Antoine from Belgium
SimpleMulticlipAnimation.gh (15.5 KB)