Animate explode

Hello All,

OK, I’ve worked this out as best I could form YouTube vids and some searching here on the forum.
BTW complete GH noob here. I did one thing years ago with MUCH help from this forum.
Anyway, I want to animate an explode of some mesh object goupes using GH. All went pretty well (see below).

Using this GH program.

Which seems to work, but its not moving the Geometry but a representation of the geometry, so I can’t render them.

Any thoughts as to what I am obviously doing wrong.

TIA, (8.3 KB)


I’m not sure I get your problem right, but would this be because you have the “geo” components on?
Try disabling their preview while keeping the last move’s preview enabled.

Thanks, but both geo’s are “preview off”. I think I need to “bake” the move module.
I’m trying the Baking and that seems to be working. I does look like I have to reapply my materials though.

Thanks for the response,


OK, so Baking is what I was after as that actually creates geometry back in Rhino.
However, That creates only one (of each) instances at the location that the slider is in at the time of baking (I’m starting to sound like Julia Child!).
So, I guess what I’m asking is; do I need to:

  1. Move slider
  2. Bake instances
  3. Add material
  4. Render
  5. Delete instances
  6. Repeat
    for all frames in my animation?

And is there any way to automate this process? I can’t imaging that no one else has done this or something very similar to this before.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this.

Muggs, how rendered do you need it? Rather than baking each position, can you apply a custom preview to the components in question to accomplish the level of rendering you need?

If so, you can capture the imagery without exiting the grasshopper environment.

I was going to try to demonstrate the concept but you need to internalize the geometry of your two geometry inputs. Anyone looking at your file is seeing empty space in their preview


My bad. I really should have added the 3dm file as well.
Here you go. I’ll read up on custom previews. As I said in my initial post I a complete GH noob!

Thanks for your time.
ANIMATE.3dm (2.0 MB)


You’ll need the Human plug-in for this to work as intended, but as you can see in the gif, this definition does what I think you’re looking for? Without having to bake a bunch of instances of your parts.

Hope that helps,


CleanShot 2022-09-16 at 15.03.55

Animate with (17.0 KB)

Try this, it seems to do what you need