how can i make angle section and use it in karamba 3d ?
are there angle sections family in all of sections family in karamba 3d?
Hi @naghshekhaak, unfortunately you can only create cross sections from the predefined cross section profiles - rectangular/square sections, trapezoidal, circular or I beams
there is a component in karamba that create every croos section
this component`s name is " modify cross section" and we can entered every croos section propertise for example : area - Ixx -Iyy - Ipp and other information
can i make angle cross section with this component and use it in karamba ?
there is a component in karamba that create every croos section
this component`s name is " modify cross section" and we can entered every croos section propertise for example : area - Ixx -Iyy - Ipp and other information
can i make angle cross section with this component and use it in karamba ?
you can simulate the behaviour if you have this information however you are unable to get the mesh visual output of the angle cross section.
hi again
please help me
for define new cross section in karamba with modify cross section componenet , there is very items for definition
i can not find some of them
for example : Area Y , Area Z , Ipp , Cw , wely + , …
all tables for cross section have Area , Ixx , Iyy and there is not mention items in tables and even in cross section propertise in SAP2000
i search in the internet for table of cross section specifications but this items there is not in this tables
i need this items for angle cross section and unfortunately i can not find them
how can i find this items and define them in karamba ?
excuse me
are there any helpful guide for my question ?
Hello Naghshekhaak,
sorry for my late reply.
With the ModifyCrossSection-component or by reading the cross section values from a table you can define arbitrary values for the mechanical cross section properties. However Karamba3D 1.3.1 assumes that the centroid and the center of shear coincide. This is only the case for double symmetric cross sections. It also assumes that the local Y and Z axis are principal axes with regards to the cross sections moments of inertia.
For an angle both conditions are not met.
Az and Ay are the equivalent shear area of a cross section in local z- and y-direction respectively. Ipp is the primary torsional (St. Venant) moment of inertia, Cw describes the cross sections behavior under warping torsion and is currently not used in Karamba3D 1.3.1. Wely+ is the resistance moment for the point of the cross seciton with the largest y-component.
You can find these values in textbooks on steel design.
Best regards,