Anemone loop question

I’m trying to have a circle of a radius increase so each of the points have a different radius but when I execute this they all have the same radius what am I doing wrong - earlier the circle CNR was outside the loop and I had the same problem

You need to use the data output of the Loop End component…

thank you! and then once I record the data as it gets added how do I keep adding it to the different radius of the circles around the points?

Either use a separate record component or bake the circles.

sorry for the back and forth so now when I attach it it makes the circles of all the radii (numbers in the list) around the point and doesn’t distribute one value to each circle. I even tried to use a random node but I think it loops to makes many Circles

Have you heard of grafting already?

Look at the C input. It’s a list with all center points.

The radii on the other hand are in a data tree