**Hi Guys, I want to analyse these elements as structure. But there are some problems in algorithm writing that analyse components don’t work. The error message suggests to use eigenmodes instead of that. But for my project I need to have displacement and mass in output of (Analyse karamba 3D). Is there anybody who can help me?
Pattern.gh (50.5 KB)
Hi user,
I´ve just opened your sketch and Analyze I component already provides some displacement… as well as, Analyze Non-linear WIP… you can check it here:
This would be so because I do not have some plugin you´ve used in this sketch.
In any case, the “rigid body motions” problem is generally related to an unconstrained system. Try to add enough supports to prevent such motions. Vibrational analysis component can show you such motions.
If sharing scripts in the forums, please try to remove any components that are used in external plugins so that others are able to troubleshoot your issues. One hint would be to just internalise all the curve geometry first.