An experiment in FilletEdge and FilletSrf and failings


So as to get a better feeling for FilletSrf and FilletEdge and options and what is best on this item, I have applied such to this ‘latch’.

One thing to note is the 0.45 corner fillet does not meet with outer face, going too far sees fillet fail, I went as near as I could, a command option called ‘radius to suit’ with pick edge option, would be useful ! There will be times when radii are not supposed to meet with a surface edge. I visual matching is not perfect and it should be geometry that decides…

First I tried FilletSrf trim=no extend = no, as per Jim on another item where on that, this allowed the fillet to progress then be joined, however here it sees gaps between the fillets denying joining then use for trimming.

ditto with trim yes has no benefit on this.

FilletEdge takes care of the gaps, then explode and trim, and all is done :grinning: except a ‘pig tail’ and the simple circle face, where intersect shows a ring so ideal cutting, yet surface refuses to trim at edge :rage: !

Latch FilletEdge and FilletSrf alternatives tried.3dm (2.1 MB)


If you set this up as sets of tangent surfaces you can make the fillets with FilletSrf.
When you have tangent surfaces to fillet you can make the fillets with FilletSrf trim=no extend = no. After you make one fillet just hit enter to repeat the command and click on the surfaces you find at the corners of the last fillet.

In this file all the magenta fillets can be made with trim=no extend=no
tangent_surfaces.3dm (455.2 KB)

After making the string of fillets use them as a cutter to trim the base surfaces and then join it all into a solid.