Is there a way how to color mesh by Ambient Occlusion in Grasshopper?
Thank you
Is this component from any plugin ?
That’s my question. In the picture it is a dummy component. Just to show what I am looking for. I guess it will need different inputs.
Actual occlusion, or just display z-buffer occlusion like the viewports do? One involves a shader, the other lots of mesh/ray intersections.
what I understand z-buffer occlusion is a camera dependent, so when I will rotate viewport it will need to be recomputed. So actual occlusion would be way better for baking with mesh. I’m aware it will take a serious processor time.
Anyway, each of them would be helpful.
I’ve logged it under RH-60017.
We passed 60k issues recently! Time to pull open some bubbly.
Looking forward for solution.
Hi I’m not sure why nobody mentions GH native Occlusion component…
(maybe because I don’t know what’s z-buffer occlusion?)
Caution!! very slow!!
Attempted to incorporate shadow from a light source.
Better I do this with photoshop .
Disclaimer: Just for fun
it was just a lazy weekend’s hobby!
This might also work for very particular cases. The approach is based on Mesh | Ray intersection and I’m sure the solution can be done in a way lot cleaner manner than what I have come up with
Memory consumption was optimized. The Occlusion component has been replaced by a Python node which enabled parallel processing. Look at the self-shadowing on the bunny!
Baked mesh.
occlusion.3dm (8.3 MB)