ALL toolbars are gone

Never happened to me on this scale.
I have managed to restore the toolbars using rui backup but I am still unable to load third party toolbars like Evolute.
I needs to be said that chasing the toolbars on HD is a nightmare itself. All of them are stored deep in a disc structure making it difficult to find.

Here’s an easy way to find them. First, type %appdata% at the Windows search box, that will get you to


From there navigate to

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0 (or 6.0)

Now right click grab the “UI” folder and drop a shortcut on your desktop.

You only need to do the above once. Next time you need to find them, go to your desktop and click the shortcut.



I do have a shortcuts for major Rhino files. It is more complex to find other toolbars like UNA, Evolute, Auxpecker and more.It requires to dig the path for each of them.

I guess that’s their fault then - everyone puts their toolbars where they want… Guess you gotta make shortcuts to all.


yeah, that’s my point :slight_smile:

It’s not over yet.
After ‘repairing’ Rhino and D-Loft i still can’t load any third-party toolbars (plugins itself run inside Rhino) and with each try I am receiving the following message:
Error reading file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evolute\EvoluteTools D.LOFT for Rhino 64bit\EvoluteToolsForRhinoDloft.rui"
Root element is missing.
Can someone help?

Hi Piotr - in that folder - C:\Program Files (x86)\Evolute\EvoluteTools D.LOFT for Rhino 64bit\ , is there an RUIBAK version of the EvoluteToolsForRhinoDloft.rui file? If so, renamw that to just have the .rui extension and see if you can open it. If so, Save As the toolbar file over the possibly corrupt one.

Any luck?


Hi Pascal
There is no such file at this location.
I have managed to restore Rhino toolbars by importing the rui file from my archive. I have no such file for other stuff.

Hi Piotr - it might be worth a look in the default toolbar location as well -


to see if any of the RUI files were copied there.


Hi Pascal
Sorry for late response.
There is only one rui file stored under this location - the MRU one.

Hi Piotr - normally the MRU toolbar is in a subfolder called System and the ‘regular’ toolbars (like Default.rui) are directly in the /UI folder. Is that different from what you see?


Hi Pascal
The UI folder has two subfolders (System and Temp) and a file named package.xml.
No other files are stored there.

Hi Piotr - sounds, to me, like something is amiss then. Let me investigate…
@Piotr - to return to top of this thread, what prompted the toolbar wipe-out - was there a crash or anything traumatic, or did Rhino simply open with no toolbars?


Hi Pascal

I have been working on my laptop and I closed the lid, which put my
computer into sleep mode.
When I opened the lid next morning I forgot that system is on and I pressed
the power button. The system restored normally but Rhino has lost sll the


Piotr Słojka
Architect SAR.MSA

Obrońców Westerplatte 22/2A, 80-317 Gdańsk Oliwa, PL
Västra Prinsgatan 44, 371 35 Karlskrona, SE
211 The Forum Blackhorse Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1PS, UK

+48 798045870
+46 766338894
+44 7857987982

Hi Piotr - I would open Windows ‘Programs and features’ control panel, find Rhino there, right-click and choose ‘repair’ and see if that sorts things out…


I did that, imediately after crash and it didn’t help.

Piotr Słojka
Architect SAR.MSA

Obrońców Westerplatte 22/2A, 80-317 Gdańsk Oliwa, PL
Västra Prinsgatan 44, 371 35 Karlskrona, SE
211 The Forum Blackhorse Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1PS, UK

+48 798045870
+46 766338894
+44 7857987982