All of a sudden, python is broken for me

Literally every python script I have has stopped working today and I get the attached error every time (just a different location for the python script. The error message isn’t helping me figure it out. Help, I have so many scripts I rely upon. I rebooted, I removed rhino 8 and re-installed… same thing.

Here’s another error. Is python broken on my machine and if so, how do I fix that? I’m afraid I understand very little about python.

Just tried going to and installing the latest python version (not beta) and still the same errors. I am at a loss here.

Never mind, ChatGPT walked me through it! The fix that ended up working was removing the IronPython folder in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\Plug-ins\ and restarting rhino. Rhino regenerate a fresh copy of IronPython. (whew) I’m not deleting this thread in case someone else runs into this problem and does a search.


Any idea what changed to make it stop working? New Rhino version? Windows update? Something you might have done?

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No clue what happened, seems the file was corrupted somehow.