Aligning Mullions Vertically to a Curved and Tapering Surface

Hello Friends!

I have two problems which I can’t seem to fix. I have two surfaces, a top and a bottom, and I am trying to make window mullions by extruding a curve along lines between the two surfaces. However, I am having the hardest time getting my lines to stand vertically. This is happening because the top surface is a smaller volume than the bottom surface (the walls taper inwards as you go vertically).

My second issue is that I’m not able to get the center of the extruded curves (the mullions) to lie half way between the interior and the exterior of my glazing. I’m also not able to align the vector of each point to the curve so that the extruded curves (the mullions) are parallel with the top and bottom curve.

Thanks for the help!

Grasshopper Mullions Troubleshoot.3dm (1007.5 KB)
Grasshopper Mullions (16.1 KB)

Your problem is impossible to resolve with that assumption

Vertical mean in Z direction, so extrude in Z !!!
What could be done is mullion in a plane perpendicular to the curve.

Grasshopper Mullions (16.5 KB)

Lines, vector could be parallel, for curves I don’t know what does it means.

And your geometry is now always inward.

Geometry learning is good before doing architecture :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ah, I remember that visionary egyptian architect. He was way ahead of his time! :smiley:

// Rolf

I studied here

Ensma Poitiers, it represents a flying saucer that landed (non flat) near Futuroscope !!!
And I could tell you that since that day I can say that many architects design things to be beautiful but not good to live in. Here, as main structures are not vertical you always have the sensation to walk on a non flat flour.

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your response.