Align command for all the visualarq objects do not align correctly,

When I have the xy plane rotated and I use the align command, all the visualarq objects do not align correctly, they have a gap in the alignment, please check this visualarq team.

Hi @miguelayora3,

There are many options in the align command, how are you trying to align it? Which options are you using? Please, could you send me an example?

This only happens when the Cplane is rotated and I am trying to align the visualarq objects to the right or left.


Hi @miguelayora3,

I couldn’t reproduce the issue:


Are you doing something different? Please, could you send me your file, just in case?

Hi Alfonso, Is the Cplane rotated? Or could you make a new rotated c plane and with the rotated Cplane align the objects?

Thank you


Ok, I could reproduce it correctly now. Sorry about that, I’ll keep you updated.

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Hi Alfonso, any news about aligning visualarq objects with the rotated C plane?

Hi @miguelayora3 no news about this issue. Since this is something that has an easy workaround, we are giving priority to other issues right now. I’ll keep you posted anyway if there are any improvements on this topic.