I would like to get your help for the Bridge posts on given surfaces.
attach is files. in rhino file there are top surfaces and a post that could be placed on top of each surface match bottom of post plates and i have marked a point on insertion point on post.
A very Big Thank you for your time and help.
i have checked but the post plates are not matching with rectangles as bottoms so orientation not right.
but again thanks very much and have a great day.
Here is a different approach, in this definition a plane is constructed from the vertices from the base plates: Post arrangement_MEv2.gh (10.6 KB)
In every row I have rotated one base plate because the orientation differed from the rest: Base Plates_ME.3dm (904.5 KB)
Yes Mark. indeed it makes sense. look exactly what i was looking for. bec as Bridge profile vertically changes then the posts will orient similarly.
So again thanks very much and hope will place another question later.