Airtable to Grasshopper using Mallard

Hi all,

I created a new plugin called Mallard. It’s A Grasshopper Plugin to connect Grasshopper to the easily editable database tool Airtable, based on the CSharp fork of the Airtable API by ngonicholas, please visit his page for more information GitHub - ngocnicholas/ Airtable .NET API Client

The Plugin is open source, and the source code can be found at the following Github page: GitHub - NickCassab/Mallard: A Grasshopper Plugin to connect Grasshopper (the visual programming tool built in to Rhino3D) to the easily editable database tool Airtable, based on the CSharp fork of the Airtable API by ngonicholas.

Instructions on how to use the plugin can also be found on the Github Page.

Please use this topic to post any issues etc. Would love to know what you think.

food4rhino link:


Spoke too soon, Food4Rhino seems to be under maintenance. Currently the plugin is on Yak if you’re interested. Use ‘testpackagemanager’ to try it out.

Had a look on that: you did a very good job. Bravo.


This means a lot to me, thank you for the compliment! if you have any suggestions for changes, I don’t think it’s perfect yet. (probably never will be)


Two ducks in a 2 week time frame, must be a popular animal.


Only one is Duckstein


Darn, it was available when i thought to name it Duck, but i guess i got beat to the punch. Gonna have to come up with a new name… :sob:

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There are lots of duck types

maybe I should call it ‘Shoveler’

has a nice ring to it

How about LabRat? It’s a partial anagram of Airtable! :woman_scientist: :rat:

Good idea in theory,

unfortunately we don’t really like Rats in NYC

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Consider: Daffy, Donald, Albert or Dr. Lecter


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I think I’m going to go with Mallard

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Hey all,

plugin officially renamed to Mallard. I have to use my other computer to update the “yak” package name

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…but it saves as duck… you might have need corecct it too…

You’re right! Gonna have to change that

@fraguada and @will have you guys ever seen this error? / know how to fix it? I got it on a friend’s computer when he tried to use Mallard.

Exception System.NotSupportedException:

Message: An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. See <loadFromRemoteSources> Element | Microsoft Learn for more information.

Hi Nick,

Thank you for the work. I have been playing around with Mallard for a while, it’s really nice to have this plugin connect grasshopper to Airtable database.

Based on your source code, I did some modify and came up an component “List Airtable Records from Table View”, which can retrieve records from a table view (a named view in a table). So we could return filtered and sorted data through that named view.

Attached is an screen shot shows how component “List Airtable Records from Table View” works.

Also a new Grasshopper Assembly is enclosed.
AirtableGH.gha (37 KB)

I would love to hear from you. And hope that works for all too.



Hi Susan,

That’s fantastic! let’s find a way to make you a contributor to the github repo and then push the changes to the plugin so that everyone can have it. Do you have a website? how can I credit you?


Hi Nick,

I am so pleased with your words.
Never expect this would be my first contribution on GitHub.

This is me on GitHub.

Please let me know what I should do to push the new component to there.

Best regards,