(Wim Dekeyser)
February 13, 2017, 2:21pm
Export to SVG should be available in the next public release of the WIP. Also, for export to Affinity Designer, apparently they are using the PDF format. Exporting to AI should be the same as exporting to PDF and so that might get an update soon as well.
From what I understand, exporting to a modern AI format is pretty much the same as exporting to PDF. A new PDF exporter is something that we have had in our sights for a long time. We’ve been structuring the code so this is more ‘possible’ to do right in the future.
Just as an FYI; I also implemented an SVG exporter at the same time as when I wrote this PDF exporter. This should be showing up soon in the V6 WIP. The SVG export will be available in the next WIP’s RhinoCommon SDK. I’ll write a separate post once this feature becomes available.
Technical and artistic modes are actually raster operations and will be supported in the PDF exporter once I have rastet output supported.
Thanks for the note on points. I’ll get that added to the bugtracking system
Please see
I use Affinity Designer to test the results of the PDF exporter