Again boolean failed

Pascal Golay mentions it at least once every week. By the way, DivideAlongCreases command, SplitAtTangests option=Yes does the same thing as the TestSplitAtTangents.

CreaseSplitting command controls whether commands that make surfaces from kinked curves divide resulting surfaces into polysurfaces with edges at the creases or into single surfaces with creases.

Pascal Golay wrote: Surfaces that have segments that are tangent and not curvature continuous (e.g. often created when the input is tangent arcs and straights) can cause problems for the meshing needed to display the object in shaded modes… Run the DivideAlongCreases command, with no pre-selection and set SplitAttangents =Yes, then select the object… By splitting the surfaces up at tangent locations, each new face is meshed independently. This is generally a better situation for other operations as well… Splitting should just happen, and merging should be the thing you have to do deliberately. I have not got any traction with that over the years. SplitAttangents=Yes/No in some commands is the best we have. source: Cap command is corrupting the surface