After installing V6, v5 do not export anymore

Hello all!

After I installed v6, my v5 rhino does not export dxf, obj, dae… This is the error:

Any ideas?

Hi Victor, I am checking on this, thanks.


Hi Victor,

If you poke the details button what do you see? Can you go into to plugin manager in V5 and right click on VRML export and then Properties. What does that dialog look like?


Hi Victor,

I guess I really need to see what you get when you poke the details button from the plugin error dialog, because properties isn’t giving me anything valuable. By the way, which version of Rhino are you running and what OS are you running on?


Hi Tim,

I’m running Rhino 5 SR11 in win 8.

Victor Sardenberg

Hi Victor,

We’re getting there. Now we need to see what you get when you poke the dependencies button on the dialog you posted. We think the problem might be related to a C runtime mismatch. That dependencies output might shed some light. Just curious, is there some reason you’re not running current V5 (SR14)? That might actually fix the problem too.


Hi Tim,

This is the dependencies window.

The reason why I’m not running SR11 is that I have an unorthodox policy related to software updates. Since I have a lot of GH plug-ins and I work in projects that sometimes lasts for years, I do not update anything unless there’s a a very good reason to. (Not only Rhino, but windows, Adobe, Autodesk…)