After 6.21 UPDATE, Rhino won't save my files anymore

After the recent 6.21 update, Rhino won’t save my files anymore! When it loads up, it tells me that import_ZRP.rhp and export_ZRP.rhp plugins could not be loaded, and then it won’t save anymore.
Has this happened to anyone?
Is there anyway to revert to an earlier version?

Hello - if you have the V7 WIP installed, please uninstall that, and then reinstall it. Does that help at all?


Thanks for the reply!
No, I do not have V7 WIP installed…
Anything else that I can do that may help?

Hello - is there an error message on Save, or just nothing at all? Does any save work, SaveAs, Export?


No, there’s no error message, but I believe this may be related to a plugin that I am using, LutraCAD, since when it is on it stops me from saving using Rhino functions and only allows me to save using its own save functionality (since it is a token payment based plugin). Problem is that even when the plugin is off, it seems to still stop me from saving using Rhino. It started happening after the update, therefore I was wondering if it had anything to do with it. But I am also already in contact with the developer team of the plugin, and they have told me they are seeing if it’s a problem on their end.
Will get back to the forum if they cannot solve it.
Thanks so much for the help!

Hello - you can try disabling the plug-in in Options > PLug-ins page and then close and re-open Rhino and see what changes, if anything.


I have uninstalled Rhino and reinstalled 6.17 (the original version with which I started) and the problem seems to be solved. At least I can go on with my work now. This has delayed me a couple of hours already…
Thanks for the help again!