Adjust width of geometry?

Sorry about that, to me personally I find it useful and legible. I guess it’s subjective styling.

Like all things that seem simple this ended up getting more complicated than I thought.

Anyways, I expanded on the original slicing logic you created and figured out a way to handle slicing in X, Y, or Z and you can input negative or positive values as well and that influences which portion of the sliced brep gets moved.

The script is a bit bloated and messy but I’m out of time.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts or modify as you’d like. I think it can be simplified greatly but the basic idea is there at least.

Also the Merge Coplanar Faces component is bugged in 8.7 and 8.8 but when that’s fixed it should return a dimensionally accurate “sliced and stretched brep”.

Though I have not tested it, the logic should work to be able to move the plane wherever you want it (offset from the middle of the bounding box to wherever).

This only works with orthogonal geometry. Well… it might work with other geometry but the result will look… well you’ll see haha

Graph Space:

Model Space Video:

Cheers, hope it helps! (66.8 KB)