Addtext rhinoscript

hi, i’ve got a script, that since V6, addtext doesn’t work well, see the picture:

it write the two first and last letters of string of caracters…

Hi @onlyforpeace,

Can you post the portion of your code that isn’t working, so we can run it here?

– Dale

that is a code to generate GCODE for foamcuting with CNC Hot WIRE

    Call Main()
Sub Main()
	Dim strtraj1,strtraj2
	Dim arrpt1,arrpt2,strpt1
	Dim plane1,plane2
	Dim fso,f
	'Create file system object (FSO) to be able to work with file system
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	'definition du chemin du dossier d'enregistrement
	Dim chemo,chem,nomfichier,nprog,pos,seq,newchem,chemprog,chemprogtemp
	chemo = Rhino.documentPath
	If  Not isnull(chemo) Then
		'definition du nom de programme
		nprog = rhino.GetString("nom de programme")	
		If isnull(nprog) Then Exit Sub
	End If
	pos = instr(chemo, "ETUDE")
	If pos = 0 Then pos = instr(chemo, "Etude")
	seq = Split(chemo, "\")
	newchem = left(chemo, pos - 1)
	chemprogtemp = newchem & "USINAGE" 
	If Not fso.FolderExists(chemprogtemp) Then
		fso.CreateFolder chemprogtemp
	End If
	chemprog = chemprogtemp & "\" & "PROGPSE"
	If Not fso.FolderExists(chemprog) Then
		fso.CreateFolder chemprog
	End If
	nomfichier = chemprog & "\" & nprog & ".iso"
	plane1 = rhino.GetObject("selectionne le plan")
	plane2 = rhino.GetObject("selectionne le plan")
	Dim box1,box2
	box1 = rhino.BoundingBox(plane1)
	box2 = rhino.BoundingBox(plane2)
	Dim strplane1,strplane2
	strplane1 = Rhino.PlaneFromPoints(box1(0), box1(1), box1(3))
	strplane2 = Rhino.PlaneFromPoints(box2(0), box2(1), box2(3))
	strtraj1 = rhino.Getobject("selectionne le parcours 01", 4)
	strtraj2 = rhino.GetObject("selectionne le parcours 02", 4)
	arrpt1 = rhino.curvepoints(strtraj1)
	arrpt2 = rhino.curvepoints(strtraj2)

	If ubound(arrpt1) <> ubound(arrpt2) Then
		rhino.print "pas les même nombre de noeud"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Dim inter1,inter2,i,line,ox1,oy1,ox2,oy2
	i = 0
	'création du fichier texte
	Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

	'entête de programme----------------------------------------
	Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(nomfichier, ForAppending, True)
	f.write("//NOME= DUEASSI")
	f.write(chr(13) & chr(10) & "//DIMX=500")
	f.write(chr(13) & chr(10) & "//DIMY=500")
	f.write(chr(13) & chr(10) & "F13" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "HM10" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "G92" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "G60" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "G63" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "G99")
	For i=0 To ubound(arrpt1)
		line = array(arrpt1(i), arrpt2(i))
		inter1 = Rhino.LinePlaneIntersection(line, strplane1)
		inter2 = Rhino.LinePlaneIntersection(line, strplane2)
		If i = 0 Then
			ox1 = inter1(0)
			oy1 = inter1(1)
			ox2 = inter2(0)
			oy2 = inter2(1)
		End If
		rhino.addline inter1, inter2
		f.write(chr(13) & chr(10) & "G01" & " X" & round(inter1(0) - ox1, 3) & " Y" & round(inter1(1) - oy1, 3) & " Z" & round(inter2(0) - ox2, 3) & " A" & round(inter2(1) - oy2, 3))
	Dim note,entreplan,epbloc
	entreplan = abs(box2(0)(2) - box1(0)(2))
	epbloc = abs(arrpt2(0)(2) - arrpt1(0)(2))
	note = nomfichier & chr(13) & chr(10) & "longueur fil=" & entreplan & chr(13) & chr(10) & "épaisseur bloc=" & epbloc
	rhino.AddText note, array(arrpt1(0)(0) + 500, arrpt1(0)(1) - 500, 0), 50
	'rhino.print nomfichier
End Sub

for runing you have to save it in a folder named “ETUDE”
and use a file like this onetest.3dm (61.0 KB)

you have to:
choose name,
select one plane
select the second plane
select one curve
and the other,
normaly the script generate folder “USINAGE” near the Folder “ETUDE” with a gcode… with all point of curve.

Thanks @onlyforpeace, I’ve logged the bug.

– Dale