Add vaTable to Layout

Is it possible to copy and paste a vaTable to layout space to create a detail drawing? Every time I try and copy or cut and past the table is blank.

Hi @patskorut this is only possible in VisualARQ 3, where you can insert the 2D table directly in the page layout.

@fsalla I think I found out how to insert tables from the “tables panel” but it crashes a lot. I can barely insert a table either in model space or layout space without it crashing Rhino. I just thought I’d let you guys know because it’s kind of annoying.

@patskorut Could you share a sample model where it crashes when inserting the 2D table?

I think the issue is that I had set the DotNetRuntime to .net core if I change it back to NETFramework it doesn’t crash. Thanks

Hi @patskorut,

VisualARQ 3 should work fine on both .NET runtimes.

Please, can you send us the 3DM model and describe the steps to reproduce the crash?

