Add specific number of Dependent Views

Hi! :wave:

Is it possible to specify the number of dependent views to create?
I know there are plugins for looping in Grasshopper, but I’d like to avoid using any additional add-ons.

Thanks for your help :pray:

Hi Lukas,

You can feed multiple copies of the View you want to create dependents for, like so…

Hi @Japhy,

Thank you so much! I didn’t expect such a simple solution—you never stop learning! :slight_smile:

While testing it, I noticed unexpected behavior in Rhino Inside Revit.
I run the script by clicking a button like this one:

When doing so, I found that the script runs twice when the solver is locked.
However, when the solver is enabled, it works as expected.

Locked Solver

I was able to replicate, thanks for reporting!

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