Accessing Rhino Context

Imported RhionoInside.Revit reference.
In a guide it says : " Using Rhinoceros static class you can gain access to the running instance of Rhino and the open Rhino document."

However, I am able to get the ActiveRevitDocumnet from the static Revit class.

Problem is that that class exposes nothing to me other than Equals and reference Equals.
I am doing something wrong ? This is a standard Revit addin.

Hi @Tommy_Strømhaug,

This class is obsolete and the methods that it use to contain are marked non browsable by IntelliSense to avoid new code use it.

To have access to Rhino API just use RhinoCommon regular code like.

// Current Rhino version
var rhinoVersion = Rhino.RhinoApp.Version;

// Active Rhino document
var rhinoDocument = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;