About PlanBee

Welcome to PlanBee for Grasshopper!

Please use this topic on the forum to post questions about the use of PlanBee. Where appropriate please include files for support/ reference.

Download PlanBee for Grasshopper here: https://www.food4rhino.com/app/planbee

About PlanBee
PlanBee is a plugin intended to help compute and visualize the features of a floor plan at variable resolutions and in doing so to help the designer look at the programmatic organization of the floor plan from a different vantage point. Use the ‘Rendered’ view mode when using PlanBee to make the most of built in analysis/display components. All analysis components support parallel computing.

In addition to computing various metrics across different floor plan locations, PlanBee offers the implementation of a Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Map algorithm (SOM) to ‘self-organize’ the specified programmatic blocks pertaining to the floor plan. Jargon start: In order to understand this, it helps to think of the floor plan as a field of voxels, each of which contains values for different computed metrics. Once the metrics are computed, each voxel corresponds to a multi-dimensional vector. The SOM basically reconciles the multi-dimensional vectors of the field of voxels with the features one specifies should belong to a programmatic mix : Jargon end.

The use case is the following: space-planners, architects, and interior designers doing fit-out/ early schematic design exercises needing to reconcile a programmatic brief with a floor plan polygon. Users can also user PlanBee to simply compute analysis metrics for a floor plan and visualize them.

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There is already a well established Grasshopper plug-in called Bowerbird for some years now. Might want to change your plugins name to avoid confusion. Always good to do a quick google search before naming your stuff such as "(name you want to use) Grasshopper3d"


Hi Michael,

Thanks for the heads up. I changed the app name to PlanBee… Trying to save over my current app but Food4Rhino wont let me. Do you suggest creating a fresh submission or might you be able to ‘unlock/ unpublish’ it as it were until I modify it?



or might you be able to ‘unlock/ unpublish’ it as it were until I modify it?

I have no control over food4rhino. That you would have to ask McNeel.

Hi Michael,

Never mind - I was able to save over with a different name just fine!



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