About FilletEdge

Why did the FilletEdge operation fail in the first case but succeed in the second
test.3dm (146.9 KB)

Please try to join all surfaces to a polysurface before you run FilletEdge command. Just fyi,

On a different note. Did you just hit the “Nothing to undo” bug?

Ah, thanks. I realized that I had never noticed the options in the command before.

Hi David -

Different note, alright.
A more recent thread:

Note the AuditUndo and TestCurrentUndo commands.

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You are welcome, I’m not sure if this is a bug, I have posted this issue to our development engineers to confirm it. I will let you know if I get any news about for it.

There are some sloppy trims in this model, with edge tolerances 50x or more higher than the document tolerance. Select any of the surfaces and use the What command to see the edge tolerances:

If the trims on all three surfaces are redone by Untrim KeepTrimObjects=Yes, fixing the curves and then trimming again, FilletEdge has no problems with this model.