AAG2016 Workshops - Available Seats - September 9-11 Zurich (Switzerland)

AAG2016 Workshops: September 9–11
ETH Hönggerberg - Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse
8093 Zurich (Switzerland)

Registrations for the AAG2016 workshops, which take place from September 9 to September 11 at the AAG2016 Symposium, are still open.

The AAG2016 workshops will be offered by leading experts and are a great opportunity to encounter the latest design and fabrication tools as well as processes in architectural geometry.

In most of these workshops, participants will be using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper.

Seats are still available for the following workshops:

More info…

Posted Aug 31, 2016 by Elena Caneva on Rhino News, etc.