A WTF moment with surface match

Your top surface is not perfectly aligned in the corners, and your vertical surface has some issues, so here is how I would have solved that corner:

ArgoFlex3 J-Holo.3dm (16.1 MB)

Thanks very much for your help. I’m dismayed that I continue to have accuracy problems with my modeling.

I’m inclined to work in the perspective view and I suppose this is allowing little inaccuracies to be generated.

I suppose I’ll have to start modeling in a multwindow setup.

Was there a particular way you could determine various curves or surfaces were not truly aligned?

Is there some rule of thumb trouble shooting process used by the pros?

Again, thanks for the time you’ve spent on my behalf.


Nope. The Perspective window is no more or less accurate than any of the others. An object snap is an object snap. If you’re not snapping to known points, then all bets are off.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not doubting Rhino - I’m just dealing with being me.
