I’m new to subd and have been creating quite a complicated object , when I checked it with ‘what’ to see how I was getting on I noticed I had two 5 and two 6 sided ngons ,I had a good look to find them but couldn’t see them and wondered if the was a way of locating them , a bit like using analyze for naked edges or something similar .
Hi Jim - is the object quirte complicated? There is not a built in way, that I know of, to locate these other than visually.
yes the object is getting more and more complicated so I’m quite happy that I have so few in the model . I just wondered where they were so I could maybe do something about them .
@BrianJ @theoutside - any thoughts on this one?
Could you maybe do something like this?-
make a copy of your mesh and put it on another layer,
run ‘DeleteMeshNgons’ on the copy,
then switch between the 2 to see more easily which faces are different.
okay cool I’ll give that a go , but as I said it’s very complex , I thought I go as difficult as I could , having only watch loads of vids ,why make it easy …
You can launch this:
mark ngons.gh (5.9 KB)
and make a new button with:
-GrasshopperPlayer "C:\Users\maje\Desktop\mark ngons.gh"
it draw a point in the center of any ngon (the center of the flat view in the case of a SubD).
Confirm the command to actually create the point, or press ESC key to interrupt…
I like both of the proposed methods above but the GH script may be easiest to locate the Ngons. I bet it’d be an easy Python script too but perhaps it should be a new command for meshes and SubD, “MarkNgons”?
so not ever using either of those , how many vids do I need to watch to get a handle on them?
For my script, create an empty button in any toolbar and just paste that row of code, with the correct path of where you placed the .gh script:
@BrianJ I just tried with python: 30 min wasted .
I think in c#. I program in javascript, php (+html+css), but I just fail completely with python…
Do classes exist in python? The examples I’ve found made no sense to me.
C# scripts will definitively mark a new big step for me…
oh thanks that’s ace ,still getting my head round doing v . easy nurbs so this is getting a bit more indepth than I realised . But I will get onto this thanks a lot .
Hey Jim, can you post an image of your object? I’m wondering if identifying ngons is the issue, or do we need to chat about topology and how to simplify your models.
Sorry @maje90! I meant to only possibly waste @pascal 's time He can answer the specifics on whether or not Python could be used too.
how do I post an image? also loving all the vids they have helped me a massive amount. As I stated at the start I only 2 5sided and 2 6 sided ngons so I didnt think I was doing to bad with my starter project
new hive.3dm (4.1 MB)also this is the pic that is my ref
Seems possible - I’ll poke around.
ok, your model look pretty good actually… I’d encourage you to take a good look at it and delete as many edges as you can until the forms fall apart. Any edge that can be deleted, should be to simplify the model as much as possible. It makes for higher quality surfaces, and makes it much easier to manage.
remember you only need 3 edges to make a shape go up or down, in or out… no more, no less.
make sure you model holds together and your edges track like you want them to in BOX mode… good box mode= good smooth mode.
As the great Colin Chapman once said “simplify and then add lightness”
thanks for the advice .When I started it the model was quite simple and I have been taking your advice about simplifying , and Colin Chapman was an amazing designer . My model started getting complicated when I started trying to add the fiddly bits and all the venting that I want to put in only because it seems that I need to put a bevel at each vent , so far 27 ,and holding loops to stop other areas deforming .I think I will do the top rail and magazine in nurbs but all the more organic stuff I will try to do in sub d . Thanks to everyone for their input I will be trying the grasshopper thing to find those pesky ngons tomorrow .