3D Site model

site model attempt.3dm (2.3 MB)

I’m trying to create this as a 3d model in Rhino for my university project, however I don’t have very many contours and so have been struggling.

I will be designing a building that will be set into the cliff so it needs to be fairly accurate.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated :slight_smile:

Can you find and ordinance survey map of the area and use the contouring info?

It’s in Iceland and have been struggling to find much information for the site area.

Can you share GoogleMaps coordinates of your site?

It’s 63.811557, -22.710664 (Reykjanes peninsular, Iceland)

Do you have GIS information available to you usually for a small fee you can get the contours that are very close 1’ intervals?

I don’t know, I’m not very knowledgeable in this area so don’t know where/what to look for.

I looked at GoogleEarth since you can get the 3d topography from there, but that area unfortunately is not well detailed, so it will not be helpful in your case, sorry. I am sure there are other resources online to check. Good luck!

Quoting Natasha Paul mcneel@discoursemail.com:

I don’t know, I’m not very knowledgeable in this area so don’t know
where/what to look for.

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Good Afternoon Natasha,
I would check with the government web sites NunaGIS
they can direct you for the mapping you need. Hope this assist you.
Ed Vermurlen, AIA, NCARB

Quoting Natasha Paul mcneel@discoursemail.com:

I don’t know, I’m not very knowledgeable in this area so don’t know
where/what to look for.

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Hi Natasha,
Here is another one you can look at as well


Hi Natasha,
Here is another one you can look at as well


Hi Ed,

I’ve been on the Icelandic government website and that’s where I got the 20m contours from. I have emailed to see if it would be possible to get something more detailed but don’t know if I will get anything.

I went on the other link you posted and downloaded these for free DTED_W20N60.ZIP (625.5 KB) DTED_W30N60.ZIP (673.3 KB), but don’t know if these are something I can use and if so how do I use these files.


Quoting Natasha Paul mcneel@discoursemail.com:

Hi Natasha,
Here is another one you can look at as well


Hi Ed,

I’ve been on the Icelandic government website and that’s where I got
the 20m contours from. I have emailed to see if it would be possible
to get something more detailed but don’t know if I will get anything.

I went on the other link you posted and downloaded these for free
DTED_W20N60.ZIP (625.5 KB) DTED_W30N60.ZIP (673.3 KB), but don’t know if these are something I can use and if so how do I use these


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Hi Natasha,
Usually you get the vector file from them, I would email them back and
ask if that is possible for them to do.
Hope that helps