3d mesh packing

hello, I’m looking to pack simple 3d mesh, any advice, input?


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A bit more detail?

Pack spheres inside a mesh? Pack meshes inside a box? Pack meshes inside a mesh?..

Well, Pack mesh inside a mesh looks perfect. Thanks for your fast reply btw.


You’re going to need to give us even more detail. What exactly are you trying to do?

Ah nice!
So there is a contenor (Mesh).
Inside there is few other mesh very similar.
I would like to pack them into the contenor to get Different relevant variation.
I did a section would be nice to find as a relevant variation, 3d of course.

I hope it’s more clear, thx for the very good support !

Hello, I find this video from your Vimeo account.
This is very close to what I want to do.
Instead of circle I would like use mesh something like a Octaèdre.
for the surrouding mesh a cube would work.

the reference Vidéo: https://vimeo.com/265919301