3d fracture mapping, exporting coordinates to excel

Hi everyone,

for a research project I would really like to export the coordinates (xyz) of a field of points (>100) to excel to do statistical analysis on them. I am looking for 3d fracture patterns and I want to put the coordinates for several fragments in a 3d scatter plot to see visualize patterns.

I’ve found several scripts that do this for windows. I was wondering if anyone knows whether this is possible on a mac?

I have a presentation that shows the entire workflow in 10 images, if that helps solving the problem.

kind regards, Dirk

Rhino for Mac can run Python scripts. See http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/mac/python

Ha thanks, I just found a pc with rhino and was able to run the scripts without any problems. Too bad I have to abandon my beloved mac but by far the easiest solution!

kind regards, Dirk

Hey Marlin,

Is there any info anywhere on how to access Excel via Python on Mac? The code I’ve seen looks pretty Windows-centric…


I don’t understand the problem, or why it is Windows-centric. Use a Python script to write a CSV text file, then import it into Excel.

What I was thinking of is actually opening Excel in the background and writing/saving out an Excel file.

import clr  
from Microsoft.Office.Interop import Excel
xl = Excel.ApplicationClass()   
wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(r'path\to\myfile.xlsx',False,True) 

Looked like that might be Windows-only stuff (Microsoft?) but maybe it works on a Mac too?

I doubt that this would work on the Mac unless Microsoft has done their part in Mac Excel.

I still don’t understand what is so onerous about a CSV text file.