At 2Shapes, we have a Rhino plugin for the design and manufacture of jewelry. We are working on the new version 3.0 that we hope to publish in less than two weeks.
We provide support through conventional channels such as phone, email, and forum, but we wanted to take a step forward and publish it on our Discord server.
We have an exclusive channel for 2Shapes for Rhino within our server.
If you are a 2Shapes for Rhino user or not, you are welcome!
We have several channels by topics: Chat, Questions, Developers, 2Shapes for Rhino, Resources, Jobs and Collabs, and a Spanish channel.
We also have two meeting rooms and a coffee shop.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Rafael del Molino
Ph: +34 976 360 510
Etopia Centro de Arte y Tecnología
Avda. Ciudad de Soria, 8, 3ª planta, La Terminal, A08
50003 Zaragoza, Spain