This sounds like a simple enough problem but has been posing me a diddly of a pickle to actually solve…
It’s due to the core function of the actual component “Text On Surface (TextSrf)” where if certain letters self intersect as a loop the surface extrusion is renders a haphazard surface orientation for that extruded shape. As an example “H” works but “4” – a loop – is funky.
I’ve Identified the problem and where it happens, but I haven’t thought of any simple solution to reset the surface normals. I’ve tried variations of explodes, joins, unions, remeshes, trims, etc… the list is long. My next move is the usual python route to solve this, but I sense that’s overkill for such a simple-looking problem.
Bottom line, any suggestions or alternate text extrusion components that do not cause this issue?
Here’s the script, I’m pretty sure it’s all internalized.
I would appreciate any help!
Self intersecting surface.gh (25.3 KB)