(i’m on mac but this probably applies to rhino in general)
a real loose idea that might not be very good if i thought about it some more
on occasion, i need to divide one side of a rectangle… (for example, stud layout for a framed wall).
when i run Divide, it selects the entire perimeter of the of the rectangle… so i have to cancel the command then draw a line then divide the line then delete it… if i could use a Between Points(?) option in the command, i could avoid the whole line thing and just click point A & B i’d like to divide between.
or, maybe a better way would be the ability to sub-object select one side of a rectangle then when i run divide, only that selected side will be payed attention.
… Still I keep thinking that having the ability to choose curve ‘segments’ on the fly would be useful, I often happen to miss that.
I mean being able to pick start and end point of the desired sub-curve,
without needing to edit a curve or an edge that we need to keep as they are, or to duplicate, trim, then delete … etc.
I’m thinking about a general option, to be used, when needed, on any curve input, not just for Divide, obviously …