Split Mesh Returns Nothing


I got a part of a plugin that doest work somehow.
If it doesnt split I return the original but it also says it does not exist. Sometimes. Not always

  • Extrude is a Solid
  • Mesh is to trim Mesh
Private Function CreateTrim (Byval Mesh as geometry.Mesh, Byval Extrude as Guid)

Dim NewSrf As Geometry.Brep = New DocObjects.ObjRef(Extrude).BrepDim ElementObjRef As New DocObjects.ObjRef(Mesh)Dim ElementMesh As Geometry.Mesh = ElementObjRef.MeshDim Splitted As Geometry.Mesh() = ElementMesh.Split(Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(NewSrf))
Dim MyMesh As Guid = Mesh
If Splitted IsNot Nothing Then
                                For Each Splits As Geometry.Mesh In Splitted
                                    If Splits IsNot Nothing Then
                                        Dim AddedMesh As Guid = doc.Objects.AddMesh(Splits)
                                        If AddedMesh <> Nothing Then
Dim maxZMesh As Double = Functions.GetMaxZMesh(AddedMesh)  'Get Boundingbox.Max.Z
                                            Dim maxZDupplicate As Double = Functions.GetMaxZBrep(Extrude) 'Get Boundingbox.max.z
If maxZDupplicate >= maxZMesh And DocMesh.Mesh.Vertices.Count > 250 Then
                                                doc.Objects.Delete(MyMesh, True)
                                                MyMesh = AddedMesh
                                                doc.Objects.Delete(AddedMesh, True)
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
If MyMesh <> Mesh Then
                                    doc.Objects.Delete(Mesh, True)
                                End If
                            End If
        doc.Objects.Delete(Extrude, True)
        Return MyMesh
        End Function

Cant get the box too work so it is a bit messy. Sorry for that.
Anyone knows whats going wrong?

Use three backticks followed by “vb” on an empty line to start VB code formattting

type code here

End with three backticks to close code formatting.

for example

Private Function CreateTrim(Byval Mesh as Geometry.Mesh, Byval Extrude as Guid)

Very easy :wink:

Oke that worked. Somehow its still a bit messy because I removed and added some enters. But for next time I know what to do.

@menno anny idea what is going wrong here?
Does it not split sometimes? Because it does run throught the

For Each Splits As Geometry.Mesh In Splitted

And it does return a Guid but it says it cant find the Returned Guid somehow.

I don’t know, your code is a bit messy :smile: but I do see this line

Dim AddedMesh As Guid = doc.Objects.AddMesh(Splits)
If AddedMesh <> Nothing Then

A Guid is a value type, and you should check success like this

Dim AddedMesh As Guid = doc.Objects.AddMesh(Splits)
If AddedMesh <> Guid.Empty Then 'Guid is a value type, Guid.Empty is returned when Add is not successful.

It seems it doesnt always split the mesh. Any Idea why that happens?
They are overlapping

Oke cleaned it up a bit:

Private Function TrimSides(ByVal Dupplicate As Guid, ByVal Mesh As Guid, ByVal doc As RhinoDoc)

            RhinoApp.RunScript("-_SelID " & Dupplicate.ToString & " _ExtrudeSrf _DeleteInput=Yes _Solid=Yes _Cap=_Yes _D w0,0,0 w0,0,-1 100 _enter", False)

            Dim Extrude As Guid = doc.Objects.MostRecentObject.Id
            Dim NewSrf As Geometry.Brep = New DocObjects.ObjRef(Extrude).Brep

            Dim ToTrimMesh As New DocObjects.ObjRef(Mesh)
            Dim ElementMesh As Geometry.Mesh = ToTrimMesh.Mesh
            Dim Splitted As Geometry.Mesh() = ElementMesh.Split(Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromBrep(NewSrf))

            Dim MyMesh As Guid = Mesh

            If Splitted IsNot Nothing Then
                For Each Splits As Geometry.Mesh In Splitted
                    If Splits IsNot Nothing Then
                        Dim AddedMesh As Guid = doc.Objects.AddMesh(Splits)
                        If AddedMesh <> Guid.Empty Then
                            Dim DocMesh As New DocObjects.ObjRef(AddedMesh)
                            Dim maxZMesh As Double = Functions.GetMaxZMesh(AddedMesh) 'Get Boundingbox.Max.Z
                            Dim maxZDupplicate As Double = Functions.GetMaxZBrep(Extrude) + 2 'Get Boundingbox.Max.Z

                            If maxZDupplicate >= maxZMesh And DocMesh.Mesh.Vertices.Count > 250 Then
                                doc.Objects.Delete(MyMesh, True)
                                MyMesh = AddedMesh
                                doc.Objects.Delete(AddedMesh, True)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                If MyMesh <> Mesh Then
                    doc.Objects.Delete(Mesh, True)
                End If
            End If
            doc.Objects.Delete(Extrude, True)
            Return MyMesh
End Function

P.S. its trimming in the horizontal direction not the top. Dont know if i need to rotate the screen for this…