SdkServiceRelease vs ExeServiceRelease?

What is the difference between:
RhinoApp.SdkServiceRelease and RhinoApp.ExeServiceRelease

I had though one was the service release the plugin was built for and the other was for the version of rhino running the plugin. But one returns a 2 digit number and the other a many more digit number. I was planning on using it to check if the release of the plugin matched that of the instance of rhino.


RhinoApp.ExeServiceRelease returns the service release version of this Rhino executable (e.g. 0, 1, 2, …).

RhinoApp.SdkServiceRelease returns the service release of the Rhino SDK supported by this Rhino executable. Rhino will only load plug-ins that require a service release of <= this release number.

Does this help?

Hi Dale,

Is there a function that returns what service release version a plug-in requires?


Your plug-in requires the version/service release of Rhino you built the plug-in against, or greater.

Hi Dale,

OK, but is there a function that returns the version the plugin was built against? Long story why I want it, but I’m just curious if there is a way to get it.
