Return info on selected object

Hello i like export the date from selected object
just succes to get the id

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
objectIds = rs.GetObjects(“Pick some object”)
for id in objectIds: print “Object identifier:”, id

i like to expotr the name
and also a resul from the command AreaCentroid of the selected object

Thank you

Just to be clear - what you want to do is export a text file with some object data, such as name, ID and area centroid?

Yes that exaclty this

Selction several objet and extrat name ,position of Area centroid, area and volume

So far i can only extract only the name into a CVS file see code bellow

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

pts = rs.GetObjects(“Select Points for CSV Export”)
filename = rs.SaveFileName(“Save CSV file”,"*.csv||", None, “ptExport”, “csv”)
file = open(filename, ‘w’)

headerline = "name\n"

for id in pts:

Name = rs.ObjectName(pts)
print "Object Name", Name

line = Name


Here’s how to format your code for posting:

In order to export a file with information other than just points, you cannot export directly from Rhino using the Export command. You will have to specifically write a text file with Python functions. This is not that complicated, but does require some understanding of how Python reads and writes text files - the Python documentation website input/output section is a good place to start. I will post some sample code in a bit. --Mitch

I succedeed to write the info on a file, name id , layer…
now i am tring to get the result of my area centroid result
How i can the result back into python code
thank you

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
pts = rs.GetObject("Select Object for AreaCentroid")
1 Like

Something like the following should work… I used semicolons as separators since there are points in there separated by commas. There are a few subtleties in the script such as the line formatting code and what to do if the object does not have a name or one or more of the properties asked for…

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

def TestExportObjectData():
    msg="Select surface/polysurface objects to export data"
    objs = rs.GetObjects(msg,8+16,preselect=True)
    if not objs: return
    filter = "CSV File (*.csv)|*.csv||"
    filename = rs.SaveFileName("Save data file as", filter)
    if not filename: return
    file = open(filename, "w")
    for obj in objs:
        if area:aa=area[0]
        else: aa=""
        if vol: vv=vol[0]
        else: vv=""
        if acent:ac=acent[0]
        else: ac=""
        if vcent: vc=vcent[0]
        else: vc=""

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Thank you < it workinw well

They should have put the diferent data separated, not only separated by coma

Any solution to separate this data is welcomme

Thank you again Helvetosaur

All of this is configurable, the script is only an example. How would you like the data to be formatted in the file?

Just want the info into 3 diferent cell, not separated by coma

but i just saw two element in the fonction !

If you are opening the file directly in Excel, it probably won’t work well. What you need to do is open a blank Excel file and then use Data>import from text. Then choose semicolon as separator. That gives me the following:

You have ID, name, area, volume area centroid, volume centroid in separate columns. The points (last two columns) are in one cell separated by commas. This could also be changed.


of course did thought about this

I have tried to modify a bit the code for Cumulative Area Centroid

i have a design with
9 polysurfaces into 52 surfaces.

With rhino
Cumulative Area Centroid = 1290.75092,11143.9093,-40.5104309 (+/- 1e-06,1e-05,1e-08) for 53 surfaces

With the program a success to have the Area Centroid og the 9 polysurfaces (So 9 line of result)
but not all the Cumulative Area Centroid like i have with rhrino

I have tried to join then but canot join more than 9 polysurfaces into 52 surfaces.
I have tried to group them to make one object but no sucess
also tried to make a block

any solution

thank again

If I’m not mistaken, the cumulative area (or volume) centroid is just the average of all the individual ones. So you just need to store all your centroid points in a list and then average them at the end (add them all and divide by the number of points).

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

msg="Select surface/polysurface objects for average centroid"
objs = rs.GetObjects(msg,8+16,preselect=True)

for obj in objs:
#the following line averages a list of points and returns the result
avgAreaPt=reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, aPts)/len(aPts)
avgVolPt=reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, vPts)/len(vPts)


The following is the “longhand” way to average points:

#aPts is your list of points to average
#start with a point at 0,0,0
#add all the points successively
for pt in aPts: addPts+=pt
#divide by the number of points


Thank it is working

I am wondering
Why rhrino is able to make the area and surface area of a circle line

and the command python “‘SurfaceAreaCentroid’” is not working with a circle line

I really thought when i start to get the same result, or just gey the result of the command line

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

objs = rs.GetObjects()

for obj in objs:
avgAreaPt=reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, aPts)/len(aPts)
#add all the points successively
for pt in aPts: addPts+=pt
#divide by the number of points

print "avgAreaPt:", avgAreaPt

Message: ‘NoneType’ object is unsubscriptable with the circle line

For curves, you would need to use CurveAreaCentroid() and not SurfaceAreaCentroid(). Rhinoscriptsyntax methods are lower-level operations than normal Rhino commands, and do not have all the same functionality. So often you need to filter for object type and combine several methods.


Thank you very much for all your help

Hello Helvetosaur,
thank you for information and the scripts above - very helpfull!
An addition to the surface object informations, meaning saving the information of different lengths of curves besides their id and names in the same document, I haven´t been able to achieve.
Admitting of not being very talented in scripting yet I tried a sort of copy and paste solution without success:

def TestExportObjectData():
    msg="Select objects to export data"
    objs = rs.GetObjects(msg,4+8+16,preselect=True)
    if not objs: return

    filter = "CSV File (*.csv)|*.csv||"
    filename = rs.SaveFileName("Save data file as", filter)
    if not filename: return

    file = open(filename, "w")
    for obj in objs:
        if rs.IsCurve(obj):
            if area:aa=area[0]
            else: aa=""
            if vol: vv=vol[0]
            else: vv=""
            if acent:ac=acent[0]
            else: ac=""
            if vcent: vc=vcent[0]
            else: vc=""
            if length: lg=length[0]
            else: lg=""


Apparently i need to handle objects containing surfaces and objects containing curves differently, but how:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

global length
def TestExportCurveLength():
    # Get the curve objects
    msg="Select surface/curve objects to export data"
    arrObjects = rs.GetObjects(msg,rs.filter.curve, True, True)
    if( arrObjects==None ): return

    filter = "CSV File (*.csv)|*.csv||"
    filename = rs.SaveFileName("Save data file as", filter)
    if not filename: return

    length = 0.0
    count  = 0
    for object in arrObjects:
        if rs.IsCurve(object):
            #Get the curve length
            length = rs.CurveLength(object)
            count += 1

    if (count>0):
        file = open(filename, "w")
        for object in arrObjects:
            if length: lg=length[0]
            else: lg=""


Kind regards

Which one of the two scripts above are you trying to get to work? The second?
What object data are you wanting to export?


Hello Mitch,

I´d like to use the first script above to receive information about
a) curves: ID, Name, length
b) sufaces: ID, Name, area
as a csv- file…

Thank you for the quick response