Print failure - missing and blank

Hi guys,

I’m having very similar problems to the OP. However, my problems occur prior to trying to print. Some of my details display as expected in layouts (plan/top views in particular seem to have no problems). However, other views (particularly side views (left, right, front, back) have problems displaying.

The specific issue is that details showing section views (e.g. left or front views) show objects with the wrong colour, and some objects are not displayed at all. I suspect it is something to do with clipping planes, as the views where I am having problems have clipping planes associated with them.

Below are some screenshots to illustrate the problem. I’ll also upload the 3dm file.

The images show the following:

  1. My layout with all content displayed (wireframe mode). All the objects showing in black should either be red, turquoise or grey.

  2. My layout after entering model space within each detail, and exiting back to paper space. Many entities are now not shown.

  3. The entities can be forced to display correctly again bby going to the menu at the top left of the layout window, and running the mouse up and down over the detail names.

  4. Printing: the layout shows all the entities (although not in the correct colours), but the print preview does not.

I suspect this is related to the issue the OP has.

I’m using a laptop (Toshiba Satellite) with integrated graphics (Intel HD graphics 4600) with windows 8.1 (64-bit) and Rhino 5 64bit. I’ve tried many of the suggestions made by the OP, but without resolving the issue. I’ve also tried:
-using 32-bit Rhino.
-disabling OpenGL
-changing various graphics settings
-copying and pasting the model into an empty Rhino file and recreating the views there.

If anyone can figure out what is going on here, it would be much appreciated!

Many thanks,