Notes panel saving glitch

I’m using the handy Notes panel to record my actions as I explore Rhino.

I’ve noticed that sometimes my notes save but not others. It seems that if I type in the panel, then immediately Save and close the file, the changes I’ve made to the note are not saved.

If I type in the note panel, Save and then immediately click to open one of the other panels like Objects or Layers, the changes to the note disappear.

However, if I simply click in one of the viewports before saving or changing panels, the note is preserved.

Further, Yosemite 10.10.2 adds the word “Edited” to the file name in the menu bar if a file has been changed but not saved. Adding text to the notes pane does not cause that to occur until I click a viewport.

This is inconvenient because adding comments about my recent actions may be the last thing I do before saving and closing a file and I won’t know that they haven’t been saved.

Hi BoxJoint -

So far I do not see this.

Nor this…

I do see this. I am not sure what should happen there or if Rhino even controls it.


Interesting. I thought maybe it was a corrupt file so I opened a new file with just one object in it and it exhibited the same behavior. I’m running Rhino on an external drive which on which I’m booting into Yosemite. Maybe my hardware is to blame somehow? I wonder if anyone else is seeing this behavior with a more standard setup.

I do see this. I am not sure what should happen there or if Rhino even controls it.

I’m sure that the OS controls this but it must somehow be aware of changes made. If I open a simple Text Edit document and type a few letters, the title changes from Untitled to Untitled-Edited until I save.
I’d guess that somehow, the OS is unaware that I am making changes in the Notes pane until I take another action.

FWIW, I have noticed that current Rhino builds lacks typical OSX window mouse behaviour. For example, if I click in layers panel then mouse over viewport (and I don’t click or make viewport active) then run say CMD+A (select all) all my layers are highlighted. Which shouldn’t happen???

Doesn’t normal OSX window behaviour mean that once I mouse-over a window the mouse can control that window without clicking on it? Like scrolling in Finder when it is behind my Rhino window, for example.

This may be just within Rhino behaviour. I have sometimes started typing into Notes panel (well, thought I was, because I moused over it) and then realized nothing was happening because I had not may the side panel ‘active’.

This is no way related to your problem of the saving Notes, just that sometimes notes do not get typed into the panel.

Yeah, I logged a bug about this the other day- start Dot and begin typing… nothing happens in the Dot text field. Notes appears to be similar.


To enter text in any OS X control, you must give the control keyboard focus. This is often done by clicking on the control or by tabbing to the control. The control that has keyboard focus often has a blue highlight drawn around the control. Merely placing the mouse cursor over a control is not sufficient to give a control keyboard focus.

Mouse scroll wheel events are different in this regard. As you noted, you only need to put the mouse cursor over a scrollable view for it to receive scroll wheel events. This is even true for application windows that belong to an application in the background.

Marlin, does this mean no text entry control should automatically get focus just by opening? In Dot this behavior, if it is the same thing we are talking about here, seems especially counterproductive (to me). Starting Notes or Dot should, it seems to me, allow you to simply start typing and get the words in the right place.


No, what I said does not preclude a new dialog from setting keyboard focus to a particular field when the dialog starts, and the Dot dialog can be fixed to do as you suggested. However, if the Text field of the Dot dialog has keyboard focus, it is not sufficient to move the mouse cursor over the Height field to start typing a value into that field.

My comment was addressing the various panes in the main window sidebars. You need to click in a text field to give it keyboard focus, and not just hover over it, to type into the field.

OK- thanks. I feel better already. =)


Just to clarify regarding my issue with the Notes panel:
If I am in a viewport and wish to make a note, I click the Notes icon in the panels window menu bar. If I start typing, nothing happens. I expect this. As Marlin’s posts suggest, I must click into the notes panel to have it register my typing. This is what I must do and is what I expect, based on experience.

However, once I type a note, I also expect that going to File>Save or using the Command+S key combination will save my note without me doing anything more. Unfortunately that is not the case. I must make a mouse click in a viewport in order to have either Rhino or OS X (not sure which) recognize that I have made a change to the file. Once I do that, Saving by either method will work. This is not the behavior that I expect. I expect that the Notes panel, having accepted my typing, will Save it by the normal Save methods from within the Notes Panel.

Yep, the focus thing was a tangent… but, so far anyway, saving with Notes seems to work as expected for me. @John_Brock, @BrianJ, maybe y’all can have a try?
