Meshing a lofted polyline

If you look in the code example below for meshing in C++, you find the following info mapping the properties of the meshing parameters to the names used in the dialog:

m_relative_tolerance = 0.1; // Density
m_refine_angle = 0.0;       // Maximum angle (radians)
m_grid_aspect_ratio = 0.0;  // Maximum aspect radio
m_min_edge_length = 0.0001; // Minimum edge length
m_max_edge_length = 0.3;    // Maximum edge length
m_tolerance = 0.0;          // Maximum distance, edge to surface
m_grid_min_count = 0;       // Minimum initial grid quads
m_bRefine = true;           // Refine mesh
m_texture_range = 2;        // Pack textures