Mark posts/replies as "Accepted answer" - StackOverflow style

I was wondering if Discourse could be enhanced by giving the topic starter the possibility to label an answer as “accepted”, similar to how StackOverflow works. Whenever I try to answer a question, and my answer turns out to be, let’s say, less than helpful, I go out of my way to keep my answer in plain view with strike-through formatting and give a reason why it was not such a brilliant idea.

But, it would be nice if when one came looking for an answer to a question, then find out that the question has already been posted and that there is an accepted answer to it. This will really help sifting through long threads that are potentially full of off-topic stuff and answers that turn out to be, “less than helpful”.

This could also help in identifying questions that have gone unanswered, giving e.g. McNeel staff the opportunity to focus on unanswered questions.

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We do not currently have this, however, we hope that good answers will have many “likes” and can be found that way.

We are adding some advanced querystring operators that could help there, you might be able to say “show me all topics in the {foo} category with no replies”.

I see my suggestion has been implemented, many thanks!

Examples from the first post I spotted it in: