Intersection.MeshPlane and quad face

Hi, I just noticed that Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshPlane doesn’t work with Quad Face…

This is my method.
Maybe it help you.

ON_3dPointArray points;

const ON_MeshTree* mesh_tree = mesh->MeshTree(true);
if (mesh_tree)
	ON_SimpleArray<ON_CMX_EVENT> cmx;
	if (mesh_tree->IntersectPolyline(2, points.Array(), cmx))
		flag = true;
		if( cmx.Count() == 1 )
			InterPt_nearestEnd = cmx[0].m_M[0].m_P;
		else if( cmx.Count() > 1 ) 
			InterPt_nearestEnd = cmx[0].m_M[0].m_P;
			double MiniDis = cmx[0].m_M[0].m_P.DistanceTo(EndPt);
			double TestDis;
			for (int i = 1; i < cmx.Count(); i++) 
				TestDis = cmx[i].m_M[0].m_P.DistanceTo(EndPt);
				if( TestDis < MiniDis )
					MiniDis = TestDis;
					InterPt_nearestEnd = cmx[i].m_M[0].m_P;

Can you post your geometry?

Here it is.
MeshPlaneXX - (4.5 KB)

How about a 3dm file?

MeshPlaneXX.3dm (33.4 KB)

I’ve reported this as a bug.