How to automate commands poping dialogs?


I am calling the following command from a Python to mesh a given NURBS surface:

bridgeMeshSurfaceSuccess = rs.Command("_Mesh " + "SelID " + str(bridgeNURBSSurface) + " _Enter " + " _Enter ")

It’s working fine but it pops the following dialog:

My problem is that I’m trying to automate a long and complex construction workflow and this dialog “stops” my script. Here are my questions:

  1. How can I thell this dialog “OK” from my script.
  2. How can I change the value of some of the fields (also from my script).

This is important to me because I also want to automate the testing of this workflow with hundreds of different parameters (to evaluate robustness).



Almost all commands are scriptable without seeing any dialog if you put a - (dash) in front of the command name. In this you would call _-Mesh

Thanks for the - (dash) tip! For my second question, would you know how to change for example, the “Density” value from 0.5 to 0.75?



I’m not at my computer right now so I can only guess. I think that you see different option names in the scripted command? Try to see if the"translation" in this topic contribution makes any sense

As menno says:
the command macro

-Mesh d a e .75 enter enter enter
will set the density to 0.75.

The echo from the command line:

Command: -Mesh Choose meshing option ( DetailedOptions PolygonDensity=50 ): d Choose detailed option ( AdvancedOptions JaggedSeams=No PackTextures=Yes Refine=Yes SimplePlane=No ): a Choose advanced option ( Angle=0 AspectRatio=0 Distance=0 Density=0.5 Grid=0 MaxEdgeLength=0 MinEdgeLength=0.0001 ): e Relative percentage distance tolerance <0.5>: .75 Choose advanced option ( Angle=0 AspectRatio=0 Distance=0 Density=0.75 Grid=0 MaxEdgeLength=0 MinEdgeLength=0.0001 ): Choose detailed option ( AdvancedOptions JaggedSeams=No PackTextures=Yes Refine=Yes SimplePlane=No ): Created a mesh with 6 points and 2 polygons. Meshing... Press Esc to cancel

Thank you, it works very well. My final command is:

bridgeMeshSurfaceSuccess = rs.Command("_-Mesh " + "SelID " + str(bridgeNURBSSurface) + " _Enter " + " d a e .55 _Enter " + " _Enter ")

There should be a way to control the dialog box from some exported XML document (I’m not sure if that would be a .STL file or something else). I’ve found both rs.command and file manipulation useful in different situations. But, since you mentioned your workflow is complex, I believe rs.command might work better in your case. But, in general, it might be worth giving XML manipulation a shot.