How many passes?

Just wondering, how many passes are enough to get a uniform look in an animation made with Bongo? We typically use 720p resolution for presentations, and I am looking to cut down rendering time as much as possible. Currently I am using 30 passes for proofs, and 50 for finals. What do you use?

It depends on the scene being rendered. The passes needed can vary greatly, but here are some rule of thumbs I use:

  • Product Design 12+ passes
  • Architectural Exterior 10 - 15 passes
  • Architectural Interior Daylight 25-30 passes
  • Architectural Interior Artificial 30-35 passes

Thank you for the reply. I have come to the conclusion that the is very little difference between 30 and 50 passes for an interior scene using IES lights. It is good to get confirmation that this is true.