Ghpython BUG?

This is ghpython components bug?Picking curve in rhino, out does not output, but can print (6.7 KB) no, out does not output, but can print

Hi 603419608

This is not a bug. For this to work, you need to copy all geometry to Grasshopper before you pass it out (with RhinoScriptSyntax or not). I am attaching an example.

If you can, I suggest that you do not use rs commands that block the UI with this method. Otherwise, this will really not feel Grasshopper-y and would make using your scripts much more error-prone for your users.

I hope this helps,


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates (7.1 KB)

Hi Giulio
Thank you very much for your help,I have another question,You say rs commands are rs.command () mean?


Yes, I mean methods, functions or anything that blocks the User Interface (UI). For example, rs.GetObjects() blocks the Rhino UI.


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Thank you very much