Creating a surface between two surfaces along a curved edge line


Relatively new to Rhino and my first time on this forum so please forgive incorrect terminology etc… I’m trying to make a model of a lamp head that I carved out of wood but Im stuck on a particular detail - any help would be appreciated

Here are two photos of what the detail it is meant to look like in reality:

Here are screenshots of my attempts so far I’m creating one half of the shape then I’ll mirror it as it is symmetrical:

I basically started with a ‘boolianintersection’ of the extruded plan and section then I have been using the ‘fillet’ command to create the curved intersections between the surfaces. Im happy with the underside of the shape but the issue is on the top where the flat surface meets what is effectively a round pole which is joined to the lamp head.

image 1 shows what the model looks like before any filleting has taken place in the problem area
image 2 shows the round pole correctly and the model is joined up but the intersection between pole and flat surface does not have an edge which follows the correct edge line (shown in orange)
image 3 shows the pole to be accurate and the edge line has been followed but the surface of the pole does not curve correctly to meet the edge line

So I think the solution is either

  1. to somehow morph the surface of the pole on no.3 so that its perimeter meets the orange curve edge.
    2 to create a new surface on the existing model which joins the orange edge and the curved surface of the pole at the top. I think that this surface would have to follow the red lines shown in these secion cuts:

Please let me know what you think


model attached belowLamp Head JA for Rhino forum.3dm (1.2 MB)