Can't start rhino for mac

Is an authority of "administrator / user " hierarchyical problem ?

“Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Mcneel/Rhinoceros/Licenses Manager/Licenses/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.lic (not empty, so valid, perhaps)”


"XXX(User (My name))/Library/Application Support/Mcneel/Rhinoceros/Licenses Manager/Licenses/(empty)

are other locations and contents on my Mac (stand-alone use).

This is a good guess!

If anyone is getting the -100 error, please let us know if you are already getting another warning similar to this one:

Version 2.4.7 of the Mono framework is installed on this computer and Mac Rhino requires at least version 2.8. No .NET plug-ins will be loaded.

I am getting no -100 error message at all, Rhino is just not doing anything. Nothing. Pinwheel spinning endlessly for up to 2 minutes until I go to force quit, it show “not responding”. All this terminal and log stuff is beyond me. I hope McNeel will post or email a statement when this issue is resolved and the program just works as before. Thanks for working on it. I’ll use my Windows version is the meantime.

Hi dan, this warning came up only in versions prior to the ones with license required and in the latest version without license required.

This -100 error should be fixed in the latest (2014-12-02) WIP. The Mono warning listed above was related to the -100 error.

Thanks to @jesfro, @dsbaoni, @calumchalmers, and @corentin_harbelot for helping to diagnose this issue.

You are welcome!

Back to work today, tried the new release and it works fine!
Congratulation for the great work!


Hi Dan,

Wish you a belated Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

I’ve just downloaded the latest release of Rhino Ver 5.0 2014-12-17.
I want to thank you guys for the new release.

Thought I should congratulate you guys for the new release. And the GOOD NEWS is everything works like your previous releases.
I was asked for my License Key and it worked.

I thought I should let you know since you and your support team were very helpful the last time I was having problems with the Licenses. I had no problems with the mew release.

So great work, and Thanks again.

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@dsbaoni Awesome! Thanks. I’m glad you tested it and it’s working out well. We’re still tweaking Licensing, so here’s hoping we don’t break it again :pray:

It always helps to get kind words and encouragement! Thanks again for the testing and reporting.

:heart: Lovely, realistic description.