Artistic Display Edge Color


I’m not sure if this is a bug or if I’m doing something wrong. When I’m in the menu for Artistic>Object>Lines to set the appearance of surfaces, if I set the “Edge Color” to single color and the “Silhouette Color” to object color, it uses the color selected as the edge color for everything including the silhouettes. I would like to be able to have all of my edges gray, but have the silhouettes be different colors by layer. Is this a bug or am I setting something wrong?


Hi Jacob- it looks, here, like the problem is maybe that the silhouette is not always drawn on top - if there are edges that are also silhouettes, I see the edge color drawn over the silhouette color in many but not all cases. A sphere split with an isocurve should show you if that is happening or not in your case - you’ll see the split edges in edge color.

So, yes, this looks to me like a bug.


Hi @pascal ,

That does seem to be a problem, but not the problem I’m running into. If you make a rotated box that is red and trim it so you have edges that both are and are not silhouettes, you will see that if both silhouette and edge color are set to object color, all are red. If one of them is set to single color, all lines appear that color. If both are set to single color, it displays properly with those colors.

What’s a little bit weirder, is that I have some complex meshes that display properly when Edge Color is by object color and Silhouette Color is single color, but not the other way around. For some reason the bug works differently on my meshes than it does on the polysurface I made to test it.


Yep, I see it is messy… I’ll make a bug report, thanks.
